Greenham and Crookham Commons Management Plan 2009-2014: HLS agreement: HK7



HK7 - Restoration of species-rich, semi-natural grassland

Land parcels managed under this option:

General description of the management required

This option is targeted at grasslands that are potentially rich in plant and associated animal life. They are often on 'difficult' ground and may have suffered from management neglect or they may have been selected for agricultural improvement. The botanical diversity of such grassland may be enhanced by simply amending existing management practices. The option can also contribute to protecting valued landscapes and archaeology, and the promotion of good soil conditions.

This management is intended to benefit the following features:

Management Prescriptions; the dos and don'ts

The following rules apply across the whole area being managed under this option.

Indicators of Success

Land designated SSSI

Land not designated SSSI

Additional notes

Management plans informing the restoration of grassland under this agreement include:

Where the grazing system involves livestock managed and/or owned by others, e.g. commoners' livestock, there should be regular and timely liaison with livestock managers/owners.

Where grazing is not possible or grazing is not having the desired effect, other means of managing vegetation will be necessary.

Since all land under this agreement is Open Access Land, management of recreational pressures will be crucial to achieving the agreement objectives. This is particularly relevant where management is seeking to provide suitable habitat for ground-nesting birds such as Nightjar or wader species.

Until management on Greenham and Crookham Commons can be informed by the Historic Environment Management Plan to be produced in Year 1, activities which cause disturbance to the ground or alteration of archaeological/historical features are not permitted and your Natural England contact should be informed immediately of declining condition and/or threats to the historic/archaeological features.

BAP lowland grassland species indicators are listed in the Farm Environment Plan Handbook.